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Re: [Asrg] In case anyone thought Barry was exaggerating

2003-06-27 13:19:15
Yakov Shafranovich <research(_at_)solidmatrix(_dot_)com> wrote:
In your opinion, would changes to underlying protocols like SMTP make any 

  "ANY" difference?  Sure.  "Enough" difference, I'm not so sure.

  Discarding SMTP, and going to full client & server certificates with
whitelists, RMX, challenge-responses, temporary/signed addresses,
etc. would obviously get rid of most of the spam... as well as most
non-spam email.  The difficulty is finding the balance.

  My concern with the discussions here is that the "balance" is skewed
towards "doing nothing", which is the other end of the spectrum from
the system I described above.  That is, when anyone asks "What CAN be
changed about SMTP", the response is either "nothing!", or dead

Would about coordinated detection like

  It looks like it's down right now, and I'm not familiar with it, so
I don't know.

  Alan DeKok.

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