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Re: [Asrg] Re: the e-postage argument

2004-04-21 19:05:44
On Apr 20, 2004, at 3:56, John R Levine wrote:
I need to keep rewriting my epostage paper to make the fundamental points
clearer.  The three big issues are transaction costs, settlements, and
identity. Another is that no postage scheme in the history of mankind has
existed to deter use rather than to pay delivery costs, but let's skip
that one and decide to innovate.

That last point is merely taking a narrow view of what constitutes a "cost". Ultimately, the purpose of communication is delivering a message from brain A to brain B. The cognitive cost of doing so is part of the total cost, and something which has a definite monetary equivalent value--if it didn't, good writing wouldn't be worth anything. In other words, the fact that e-mail has to get through the spam noise is part of its cost of delivery.

The transaction cost issue is the simplest: any kind of e-postage system is going to need a transaction per message to check the stamps. Spammers are going to put bogus e-postage on their mail, and the only way to see if an e-stamp is valid is to check with the issuer. Even if you use a crypto signature scheme to see if the stamp is real, you still need to ask issuer
if it's already been used somewhere else.

No you don't. Public key crypto is your friend. If the digital postage cash is minted by one of a number of known sources, you can make an initial test for validity by simply checking the signature against the list of public keys of recognized mints.

It's fundamentally no different to the way your browser verifies an SSL connection by checking the certificate presented by the remote site.

There are some issues around what you do if a mint's private key gets compromised, but they're solveable.

I have yet to see a faintly plausible plan that would build and pay for a transaction system big enough to handle the world's e-mail. I'm not talking about settlements here, just whether the stamp is OK. The biggest transaction system to date is the one for Master Card and Visa, and it's both too small and too expensive by several orders of magnitude each.

It's exactly the same problem as checking the signature on this e-mail. You seem to be arguing that it's uneconomical to solve. I think the people who use S/MIME every day would argue otherwise.

You settle at the ISP level ...

Settlements: You run an ISP, you tell us. There are something like 5000 ISPs in the U.S. and probably at least that many outside the U.S. Are you going to send out 5000 checks every month for your settlements? (Or net
it out with each, so it's on average only 2500.)  How are you going to
keep track of whether the other ISPs have paid up, and if they don't, what
will you do about it?  You can't wave these issues away, these are the
nuts and bolts that make a payment system work or not, and if you don't
shut down the deadbeats, the e-postage stops being real money.

My ISP has 3.3 million customers. Surely it's infeasible for them to send a bill to every single one of those customers, once every month? My god, how could they ever hope to do that, for a sum of money which might be as small as $30? Clearly this whole ISP thing is just totally impossible.

Come to think of it, the US has around 10,000 banks (or similar savings institutions). Is it really feasible that all those banks be somehow able to process small monetary transfers between each other, often many times a day? Ludicrous! I mean, anyone could just set up a bank and send out fake checks and never pay up, and you'd never be able to do anything about it. Clearly checks are utterly impossible, in fact the entire banking system must be the product of a deranged imagination.

If the ISPs do the settlements on behalf of their customers, the ISPs are acting as banks, with all of the fraud and default problems that regular
banks have, and which they spend a lot of money to handle.  Real banks
handle the clearing problem with centralized clearing systems they all
join, Mastercard/Visa for credit cards, NYCE, Cirrus, and PLUS for ATM
transactions, and the Federal Reserve for checks.

However, none of those systems actually use cryptography for security, except incidentally for encrypting transmissions. There's no way to check the validity of a check or credit card without making a network connection, and that's what makes fraud easy and drives up the cost.

If credit card numbers were secured with SSL-like public key certificates, you'd wipe out all the current 'small transaction' scams involving generation of random credit card numbers for starters. Do the same with checks and there goes check fraud.

Sure, you'd still have the occasional Savings & Loan or BCCI scandal, but the average day-to-day fraud rate by random criminals would be far lower.

Even worse, what about the ISPs that aren't in the US?  How do you send
50 cents to each of five ISPs in Bangladesh?  Credit cards?

The idea that I should be able to phone Bangladesh is ridiculous. I mean, how is my 20 cents going to get to the Bangladesh phone company? Credit cards?

Identity: lots of people have pointed out the zombie problem, that
spammers will hijack Aunt Betsy's computer and charge the postage to her. The response I usually hear from epostage enthusiasts is that Aunt Betsy won't let the zombies on her PC once she's had to pay a few hundred bucks in spam epostage. Based on my observation of the real world, that's not gonna happen. Every month you see the predictable story about some loser
whose PC got misconfigured or got a Moldavian dialer installed or
something, and was shocked to get a thousand dollar phone bill. Do they
actually pay the thousand bucks?  Never.  They negotiate it down, stiff
the phone company, or something.

Have you seen any stories about people who have done that *repeatedly*?

I doubt it, because I expect after the second or third such incident they'd find it tough to get the phone company to continue to do business with them.

So maybe Aunt Betsy would be unable to get an ISP to do business with her, because of her chronic inability to either use a computer safely or pay the cost of her own incompetence. In which case, that's her problem.

ISPs would be stuck in a no-win situation where their customers will hate them if they try to collect, and their e-mail peers will hate them if they don't.

One word: Pre-payment.

I purchase $20 of e-postage to last me a few months. If I lose it for whatever reason, the ISP doesn't have to spend any money collecting anything. Just like if I lose a book of stamps from my wallet or have it stolen, the Post Office doesn't have to chase me for the price of a book of stamps.

In fact, you even explain the system to the user in exactly those terms.

Here's a thought experiment: imagine that you run a store in some part of the wild west, and 90% of the cash that people offer you to pay for stuff
is bogus.  How are you going to handle transactions?  How long will you
spend examining each coin?  Will you refuse to do business with anyone
who's offered you bogus money?  What about people who've gotten it in
change somewhere else and didn't notice?  This is the environment
e-postage has to face, not a little fraud, but vastly more bogus
transactions (at least attempted ones) than real ones.  I don't know of
any financial system that works in an environment like that.

That's easy: vending machines in colleges. Tiny transactions, no foolproof security, and a population rich in engineers who are short on cash and have lots of time for experimentation.

Clearly Coke and Pepsi will never find it cost-effective to put vending machines at MIT, for example.

It's time to go for an e-postage system that simply reflects the
resources being used.

OK, so build one.  I don't know how to build one where the transaction
costs aren't 10 times greater than the costs that the transactions are
supposed to cover, despite a decade of micropayment research, but maybe
we've overlooked something.

Well, there are David Chaum's papers on the subject for starters. Digicash didn't fail because it was technically impossible; it failed because it didn't offer compelling benefits to the people who would have needed to implement it, the banks and merchants and governments. In fact, it had major negatives from their point of view, like offering anonymity for customers.


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