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RE: [Asrg] draft-irtf-asrg-bcp-blacklists-00

2004-05-05 11:52:32

Credit agencies don't "list", they provide information.

If the correlation between "customer of Verizon" and "defaulted" were
high enough, they'd all mention being such a customer.  If it were
considered irrelevant, they wouldn't.

How many credit agencies would list half the population of spain?

How many insurance companies charge different amounts based on

That is actually a criminal violation of the credit acts. Some banks
round here have paid very very large fines for that type of behavior.

Sure it happens, but when it does a person listed can apply to the 
courts for damages.

Once I had an issue with my mobile provider. They were refusing to
let me get a replacement phone. Eventually someone directed me to their 
credit department where a supervisor told me "That program is not
available to people with your postcode", to which I replied, "Oh
dear you have a serious problem then, do you understand what you 
just said?". After a long pause, "That should not have happened".

I won't go into the details here, suffice to say that it has been

There are curently lawsuits in progress about the use of location
data as any form of input to a scoring scheme. 

Location is not comparable to provider however. Location is subject
to anti-discrimination statutes which are in general rather weaker
than the tort of contract interference.

I think it is utterly ludicrous to expect that any document is
going to make it through IESG review on this topic.

Then why are you wasting your time trying to stop it?

To raise an issue at the appeals level you have to first raise it
at first instance.
Barry is right about plaintifs using the BCP in littigation,

How about defendants using it?

I would also expect to see the IETF drawn into littigation if
it published a BCP that endorsed collateral damage or keeping
the identity of a blacklist secret to avoid littigation.

There's a difference between "not mentioning" and "endorsing".


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