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RE: [Asrg] "worm spam" and SPF

2004-11-27 22:38:47
The worm attack on authentication schemes is a particularly bad one. I have 
recently joined the list, so I apologize if this has been discussed previously. 
But consider the following scenario: A new worm come out that uses infected 
machine's designated servers to send out mail. Say these mail servers have a 
or DK record and further they enjoy good reputations on the various reputation 
services (since they mostly send out good mail). The recipient machines
do a SPF/DK check, it passes, they lookup the reputation, which checks out too, 
and deliver the mail bypassing all content-based filtration sub-systems. The 
recipient systems get infected. The smarter users start reporting the worm to 
reputation services, who in turn punish the senders. After a while the senders 
reputation drops so much that they are unable to send out legit mail.


I've been arguing PRECISELY this point for several years, and Wong (et al) 
forge blindly ahead with SPF and other such equally braindead 
authentication/DNS-based schemes.

This is bit of an extreme scenario, but a plausable one. Once it happens, 
spammers will adopt it and change the payload (worm + spam). 

Right, and they can do that literally overnight.  SPF and other such schemes 
SIMPLY DO NOT WORK because they DO NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM.  They only force 
to use "real" return addresses and "approved" servers, but that accomplishes 
very, very little.

Meanwhile, the fine-grained permissions-list solutions which WOULD prove 
effective and constitute a MAJOR clampdown on viruses/worms/spam get largely 

Go figure.

Gordon Peterson        
1977-2002  Twenty-fifth anniversary year of Local Area Networking!
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