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Re: [Asrg] Has ASRG outlived its usefulness?

2005-06-07 20:52:02
On Jun 07 2005, John R Levine wrote:

So, are we going to do research, or not?

While I sympathise with your arguments, I must admit I find it
difficult to see how the research we would all like to happen can be
fostered in the way you describe (and I understand from your comment). 

The main ASRG list (ie this one) is for general discussion without
specifics - but such discussion is mostly wishful thinking and 
early design stage, precisely what you dismiss. If an idea is
able to be developed sufficiently, it is supposed to be moved
to a subgroup, thus ensuring that this list accrues largely flawed
ideas and rehashed flames over time but comparatively 
little technical discussion, precisely as it is designed.

Do you expect people to use this list only to announce relevant papers and 
research work carried out elsewhere? The usual way to handle this
is through conferences, not a mailing list. 

One point in favour of this mailing list is that it has a higher profile
than the assorted technical subgroups. A critical mass of list subscribers
is needed for meaningful discussions, so if any useful
discussion is to take place, I'd expect it has to happen here, not
in some arcane subgroup read by a handful of people and unknown to most.

If you expect people to carry out work in progress on this list, then
make it part of the list's purpose.

My USD0.02

Laird Breyer.

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