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Indirection as a useful tool (was Re: [Asrg] Why ISACS will proliferate even if you don't like it.)

2006-01-30 02:59:57
John wrote:

Since you didn't like the answers we gave you last time, I wouldn't
expect anyone to waste time on another round.

This is a reasonably accurate reflection of my own opinion (!) but I'd like
to point out, before we throw the baby out with the bathwater, one useful
point in Michael's idea. Buried beneath a whole lot of slightly muddled
implementation detail and a sidetrack into "catchpa" there lurks the kernel
of an idea which may prove useful.

This is the use of an indirection between the logical recipient (the person
or list) and the address used to reach them. The use of this also binds the
address more tightly to the sender, creating a situation whereby we
acheieve a more bi-directional relationship between sender and recipient by
overloading the addresses. This is very similar to the concept behind VERP,
which also opens up the possibility of a bi-directional one-to-one
relationship between sender and recipient to be defined in a single
address. What Michael does is to apply this indirection explicitly from the
point at which the message is inserted, rather than the more limited and
specialised use which VERP uses it for.

It may be that the idea of indirection between logical recipients and email
addresses has some place in the ingredients of a complete solution.


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