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Re: [Asrg] Email Postage (was Re: FeedBack loops)

2008-11-14 11:03:03
On Nov 13, 2008, at 21:34, Bart Schaefer wrote:
I would be interested to have you expand upon your analogy to the
postal and telephone systems.  In particular, both of these came
into existence as monopolies, and it has only been a relatively
recent development (as compared to the long history of the postal
and telephone services) that there is a competitive economy in
either market.

That may be true in the US, but it was not true in the UK, where postage was invented. The Office of the Master of the Posts was around for over a century before monopoly of service was granted.

It also took about that long to work out that charging the sender was a good idea, so perhaps the Internet will be ready for the concept around 2100 CE.

What mechanism do you propose that would either establish similar
barriers for Internet transactions, or bring a similar economy into
existence even though such barriers do not exist?  Who becomes the
regional monopoly with the power to set prices and refuse service
to those who don't pay?

I propose attention bonds. Under such a scheme, no monopoly is required to set prices or refuse service.


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