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Re: [Asrg] Email Postage (was Re: FeedBack loops)

2008-11-13 18:27:13

I was suggesting charging bulk commercial senders.

Who charges them?  Who enforces the charges?  Who collects?

I propose that you send the payments to me.
Even the dumb postal systems have figured this one out.

They charge for *services they provide*.  So do Internet providers.
You want to change their billing model?  If yours is better, you'll
compete them into the ground.  Go for it.
Well, you'll need to beat most ISPs for it to work since the spammers will use those that don't, and half the world will be sending using the other, so unless your email system is happy to reach only half of the worldwide users, you'll be a winner. Besides, we can't even get everyone to buy into IPv6, DNS-SEC, SenderID/SPF, DomainKeys...and nobody is even proposing you charge us to use them. Any change that affects every email server in the world is probably "hard" no matter how much you grumble that you have a solution. If you have a solution, you will be rich, so make yourself and your investors rich.

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