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Re: [Asrg] The state of the email system

2008-11-18 12:40:26
David Nicol wrote:
On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Ian Eiloart 
<iane(_at_)sussex(_dot_)ac(_dot_)uk> wrote:

 If my phone were fitted with secure caller id

Does that exist yet?  Last I checked, convincingly spoofing caller ID
is one of the fun things you can do when you start fiddling with
   Which would explain why I'm getting phone spam from Florida
   which my caller ID happily displays country code 062 for.

   I'm pretty sure they are paying to call me, against my will, because
   my number is in some Federal "do not call" database. 
   The cost incurred doesn't seem to phase them a bit.

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