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Re: [Asrg] The state of the email system

2008-11-18 15:04:28

There are a number of services, some advertise incessantly on late
night TV here, which let you set the caller-id for a
call. is one (not the late-night one, I don't remember
their name, something like but that's not it.) also.

I believe the way they work is you call their number and enter an id
code and then the caller-id you want sent and the number. They
apparently have access to an SS7-capable switch (not my expertise so
apologies if that terminology's not quite right) so can inject
whatever caller-id they like.

The late night ads offer fooling your SO (e.g., yeah I'm home, can't
you see the caller id!), or tricking someone into picking up a call
they might not otherwise pick up.

        -Barry Shein

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