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Re: [Asrg] VPNs vs consent

2009-06-29 07:32:12
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 02:54:43PM +0200, Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz wrote:
But also I have many **shared** identities. These identities correspond 
to email addresses  (administrative or not) which resolve to many people. 
I can hardly see some kind of management of *shared consent* for these 

A brief check of my own procmail config indicates that I'm on over 500 of
these -- the overwhelming majority of which are role addresses such as
those specified in RFC 2142.  A secondary check indicates that about 3/4
of those are shared with one or more other people, which means I'd have
to work out some kind of "shared consent" for several hundred addresses.
That's not feasible in a reasonable period of time, especially since
neither the addresses nor the pool of people they're shared with are static.

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