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Re: [Asrg] Adding a spam button to MUAs

2010-02-04 21:08:41
On Feb 4,  4:18pm, Steve Atkins wrote:
} There's a subtle implication, which is that if you're stashing the
} ARF consumer address in a header, and your MX isn't overwriting (or
} stripping) that header, then it's possible that spam reports could
} be sent to the preferred reporting address of someone further up
} the delivery chain. I see this as an advantage, but it needs to be
} mentioned.

This is exactly the point I was making, over at the head of another
sub-thread.  If a reporting address can come in from somewhere up the
chain, then it can come in *forged*, and whatever software is going
to interpret the address needs a defense against that.

Numerous proposals for dealing with this (and arguments about why it
isn't necessary, or in Rich's case, why it's irrelevant) have already
been bandied about.
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