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[clear] DNS Records for CSV?

2005-06-22 06:29:08
He's asking his local DNS cache, not the AOL servers.

Agreed, but since it is the local caching NS that does the rotation,

No, it's the authoritative server that does so.  The point is for load
sharing, which is of more interest to the server than to the clients.

Yeah, but I seem to recall my testing of this stuff over a year ago to
show that AOL *did* return different stuff, not just a different
order.  Maybe I'm misremembering, or AOL has changed to anycast, or
something since then.

I can ask.

Re djbdns, I use it and I haven't ever run into incomplete rrsets.
I'll take a look at the code when I have a chance.  Due to the way
it's designed, it's hard to believe that the authoritative server would
do that, although it's possible that the cache ages out RRs one at a
time rather than in sets.
