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Re: [ietf-dkim] Not exactly not a threat analysis

2005-08-23 10:29:15
Right.  The context is who signed it.

That's not sufficient unless signers who (re)transmit messages are
clearly distinguishable from signers who author content.

You keep saying that, I keep pointing out that you're wrong.  I guess
we're done.



That's a bit like saying that drivers in some states are better than
drivers in other states, so states should discourage bad drivers by
blocking off their borders with states with bad driving reputations.

Right.  It works really well for e-mail, because domains are not states
and mail messages are not drivers.  But as a former resident of
Massachusetts, with some of the worst drivers in the country, I have to
say it wouldn't be all that bad an idea for drivers, either.
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