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Re: [ietf-dkim] Admilistrivia question

2005-10-18 08:40:30
I'm wondering if you are seeing the 'nodupes' behavior of mailman, brought up by Keith Moore on the IETF discussion list in August. See:


william(at) wrote:

I noticed that when I receive replies to the posts made on this list,
they come directly from whoever replied, but I seem to not receive
typical extra copy from the email from mail list itself. Is this true
of how this list is configured?

If this is so does mail list determine it based on my address being present in "To" and "CC" header fields? If so does that not seem like some small breaking of mail system because mail list is here making determination on if I already received a copy of the post based on RFC2822 header data - where as actual addressing is done with RFC2821
RCPT TO parameters of the sender, which mail list does not know and so
can not 100% guarantee that I  really did the receive the email post.

This system slightly bothers me and I'm not sure it is appropriate
configuration to keep, especially if this were to become IETF WG list.
Reason is that we're here from all different places with various email
accept policies for other places and this opens up possibility that some people might not for receive email sent to them and to the list i.e. for example its possible that some of us are blocking for whatever reason (blacklisting based on what country for example) somebody else on this list - where as we all do make certain that we can receive email directly from the mail list.

So even if it does mean duplication of messages in my mailbox (which
I already know how to deal with if it becomes a problem for some list)
it would still be better then decisions of the list to not send email
if to be recipient is already in CC or TO.

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