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Re: [ietf-dkim] x= lets senders expire responsibility

2006-04-13 11:55:10

On Apr 13, 2006, at 11:17 AM, Hector Santos wrote:

But for the time-shifted application, if the message reception time (Received: header) is used, then it shouldn't matter.

When verification occurs at the MUA, the key must remain available _beyond_ the SMTP transport period.


Unless it has help from the backend server, offline mail systems will not work very reliably when keys are being changed.

Should DKIM require services beyond DNS for verification?

The only way I see to reduced this is to increase the frequency of your pickup times so that is closer to real time. At pickup, the DKIM plug-ins do their work. So even if you are away on vacation, your computer is still on and doing its mail pickup.

Access to email can occur at fairly slow rates. A delay due to a short vacation suggests typical transit times may easily span several weeks. Not every MUA is continuously on-line.

But the more you shift/delay your verification time, the more you get away from the real time dynamics of the system and you have more potential failure.

This seems to be failure induced by a poor recommendation. Recommendations should ensure time for the intended use.


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