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Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: 1368 straw-poll :

2007-02-26 11:34:17
In my view, it doesn't matter if its A, B, AB, XYZ or weaker or stronger. It is about expectations.

if S says I only sign with A, then R should not see signatures with B, X or Y.

Expected behavior is what I consider a strong part of the negotiation if we want to call it that. Anything short of that produces uncertainty and hence risk.

Just consider that bad guys may find using the weakest covers 80% of
all systems, and when it needs to, it uses the stronger method for the remaining.

But guess what?

He might not use it at all or create a conditions that produces a FAULT simply because systems still need to deal with LEGACY operations

So in other words, until we have a SPECIFICATION, BCP or what have you on how to deal with failure, it really doesn't matter what strength you

Seeing failure as unsigned just doesn't cut it for me simply because there will be MORE failures then success and we will need a way to deal with that.

My hope is that DOMAIN POLICY helps in every way it can, including having a bit saying "I SIGN WITH THIS OR THAT ALGORITHM."

Just look at it this way:

I can see companies doing a preliminary "check" on receivers to see what "DKIM" support it has before it accepts email addresses from users. A high value company policy account may mandate this before begins to do high value transactions with the user. If the user's email domain is not "secured" enough in the eyes of the company, it might even provide the user its own email or some other more secured domain ISP address.


EKR wrote:
Douglas Otis <dotis(_at_)mail-abuse(_dot_)org> writes:
On Feb 26, 2007, at 7:32 AM, John Levine wrote:
  Why shouldn't receivers use their own best judgement about what
hashes are adequately strong, and why should they believe
statements from random spammers about relative strengths of crypto
Without a means for the signer to assert which algorithms are
deprecated, until the problematic algorithm can be obsoleted, a
downgrade vulnerability will exist.  This period of this
vulnerability will likely be measured in years.  Defining a way
forward does not need to alter existing structures, but instead
simply define how the signer can make the assertions when they are

I'm sure I'm going to regret wading in here, but...

We have two algorithms, A and B. Let's stipulate that B is stronger
than A. Now, the sender can have three policies: send A (SA) Send B
(SB) and send A+B (SAB). The receiver can similarly have three
policies, accept A (RA), accept B (RB) and accept A or B (RAB).

If you cross these you get the following matrix:

             SA    SB    SAB
         RA   A     X      A
Receiver RB   X     B      B
         RAB  A     B     AB

Because implementations are supposed to ignore signatures they
can't verify, the only context in which downgrade attacks matter
is if the sender is implementing SAB and the receiver is implementing
RAB. In this case, assuming there's no policy information, the attacker can strip a signature and convince the receiver that the sender implemented SA or SB. Since we've stipulated that B>A, only the former makes sense.

Now, again there are two cases:

1. A is so weak that an attacker can readily mount attacks on it
   at a practical level.
2. It's not.

Only in the first case does a downgrade attack buy you anything.

So, as I understand Doug's argument, A is strong enough that the
receiver thinks it conveys *some* informational value (otherwise
he would simply implement RB) but strong enough that it's
being regularly broken. So, the sender wants to implement SAB
and securely tell the receiver that so that receivers which
do implement RAB will get the benefit of B. Do I have this

If so, I find this scenario fairly implausible. If algorithms
are being routinely broken, I would expect people to turn them
off entirely or *at least* for receivers to quickly roll out
the new algorithms allowing senders to safely send the newer
ones without the older ones. And if algorithms are being broken
enough to mandate this kind of policy indicator, I find it
hard to believe they carry much informational value.

As a thought experiment: SHA-256 has a nominal security value
of 256-bits against preimage attacks (the kind that's most
likely relevant here). At what bit strength do you believe
receivers would still trust it but downgrade attacks would be
practical enough to mandate this kind of indicator?


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