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[ietf-dkim] Re: Seriously.

2008-01-19 00:35:04
J D Falk wrote:

How many people here have EVER seen a real message (not just
a test to see if it'd work) with multiple addresses in the
From: header?

I have seen it in (de) Usenet FAQ messages with more than one
author.  IIRC I've never seen a multi-From or Resent-* in any
mail inbox, of course I could have missed it.
Seems to me that this is one of the furthest-out edge cases

Please - I'd support to deprecate Resent-* since MARID, and 
while at it multi-From can also go.  But the place to do it
wasn't MARID or now DKIM, it would be 2822upd and after that
mail-arch.  But these proposals were REJECTED, and nobody
here (with two exceptions) bothered to at least try it.


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