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Re: [ietf-dkim] Practices protocol naming poll (Closing issue 1550)

2008-03-20 18:45:38
Stephen Farrell wrote:

[ ] ADSP - Administrative Domain Signing Practices (**)
[ ] ADSP - Author Domain Signing Practices
[ ] ASP - Author Signing Practices
[ ] FroDo - From Domain Signing Practices
[ ] SPAD - Signing Practices of Author Domains
[X] SSP - Sender Signing Practices

   A particular internet message may have 17 people all claiming to be 
"author", and we may not be able to determine who actually wrote it (who 
or where the message is really "from"), but it was created as an SMTP 
message somewhere, and, after many steps it got released into the wild 
and sent to my incoming server by an unknown box or process.  I can 
reasonably call that box or process the "sender".  That box/process 
claims to provide outgoing mail services for a particular domain, 
sub-domain, or entity.  It may or may not be who or what it claims to be.
   All I want here is to know if my message really came from the claimed 
domain.   Yes, that's a complicated question, but this domain has a DNS 
record to help me make that decision.  Why not call that record by a 
name that includes some form of the word "Send"?
   I'd also like to see the words "Domain", "Message" and "Policy" but 
I'll settle for "Sender Signing Practices" if that makes everyone else 

   It may be that, even after following this mailing list for two years, 
I simply don't understand the question....

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