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Re: [ietf-dkim] ADSP -> Experimental

2009-03-09 22:05:49
John Levine wrote:

I've been trying to find _adsp records, and there's precious few of
them.  Of the 73 domains that have sent me DKIM signed mail recently,
three have dkim=unknown, two have dkim=all, and the other 68 have no
ADSP.  The two with dkim=all are both tiny personal domains with only
a single user.  I checked obvious candidates that do sign all their
mail and could be considered phishing targets such as,,, and, and found no ADSP.

There is no standard to adopt it.  After SSP was killed, who would the 
waste time again to explore something that really didn't look like the 
authors believed in it?  Many have indicated support once there is a 
draft standard.

But you can't use only your assessment because the API that was out 
there did include have SSP support and there were SSP records out here.

So the implementation experience is, to put it generously, pretty
sparse.  Between the lack of experience and the serious design
problems that a significant number of people in the DKIM group find in
ADSP, it seems like a very poor candidate for standardization in its
current form.

You never had any attention to allow POLICY to be part of DKIM. Never, 
to be frank. From the very beginning, you were throwing stones at POLICY.

If it were up to me.

It is up to you.  You took SSP and wrote ADSP.

I'd forget about it for now, get more experience
with DKIM, and try dropping unsigned mail from places like
and to see how much difference it makes and how many of their
signatures break.  (Since Paypal and AG each send mail from a small
set of easy to identify servers, you can generally look at mail with
broken signatures and tell whether it's real anyway.)  When we have a
better understanding of how people use DKIM, how the various
identities are used, and how signatures break, maybe then we can
consider whether there are self-assertions that would be useful to

Since there seems to be a faction that is nonetheless eager to publish
something about ADSP, an Experimental RFC would better reflect the
reality of the situation, since ADSP in its current form really is
just an experiment.

And so is DKIM!

This is all shameless nonsense.

It is unfortunate both Eric and Jim Fenton allowed their specification 
to be mangled, crippled and swallowed by non believers of Policy.  At 
least Eric has an excuse (health and there are better things in life 
to do deal with this), but Jim did not.

All this time wasted.  It was predicted when you came out with ADSP 
when it was on record you simply never believed in POLICY. So it was 
quite obvious there was not going to be much championing of this 
document.  Now it finally came to fruition.   You can't work on 
something you don't believe it.

Maybe its time as Eric suggested to move forward with an non-IETF 
POLICY document.  Maybe its time as others outside the WG to move 
forward with their suggestions with a POLICY document.

Is there anyone out who believes in POLICY, can champion, can take 
over this ADSP document and help finish it?


Hector Santos

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