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Re: [ietf-dkim] Interesting Dupe Signatures

2009-11-02 13:19:37
   DKIM-Signature: .... c=relaxed/relaxed;   // dupe
   DKIM-Signature: .... c=relaxed/relaxed;   // dupe
   DKIM-Signature: .... c=relaxed/relaxed;   // dupe
   DKIM-Signature: .... c=simple/relaxed;    // other signer
   DKIM-Signature: .... c=relaxed/relaxed;   // other signer

You need two header and one body canonicalizations in that example.  And that 
presumes there's no "l=", which creates another dimension in the matrix of 
canonicalizations you need to run.

I don't see much benefit for saving the header hash, since it depends on 
the order that the headers are listed in the h= header.

On the other hand, doing both the simple and relaxed body hashes in a pass 
over the body would handle about 99.999% of the signatures that anyone 
cares about.  I haven't seen many l= signatures, other than from Cisco, 
and I don't think I've seen any where the l= didn't cover the whole 

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