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Re: [ietf-dkim] If DKIM would ignore [] at the beginning of the subject line

2011-03-31 07:01:18
-----Original Message-----
From: ietf-dkim-bounces(_at_)mipassoc(_dot_)org 
[mailto:ietf-dkim-bounces(_at_)mipassoc(_dot_)org] On Behalf Of Ian Eiloart
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 3:45 AM
To: Franck Martin
Cc: <ietf-dkim(_at_)mipassoc(_dot_)org>
Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] If DKIM would ignore [] at the beginning of
the subject line

That's an implementation issue for verifiers, isn't it? If an rfc were
to say anything at all, it might say that mailing lists will often
break header signatures by prefixing the subject line. If a verifier
finds a [] prefix and broken signature, it might like to try verifying
a signature formed without that part of the subject line. It might also
want to limit the number of characters in the prefix. And, it might
like to keep a track of prefixes used with specific List-ID headers, to
spot attempts to abuse this flexibility.

There was pretty solid consensus against doing things like this in the past.  
There was similarly solid consensus against trying to verify a signature using 
the "z=" header fields if they're present.

I believe we decided an implementation does so outside of DKIM's scope, and at 
its own peril; DKIM has to return a failure, but what you do after that is up 
to you.

I suppose some guidance as to what might be acceptable in the prefix
might be warranted. You could, for example, restrict it to substrings
of the (also signed) List-ID header. That would severely limit replay

That's also something we considered when talking to the Mailman people.  But 
again, this is really a small percentage of what causes author signatures on 
list mail to break.

Anyway, the list should be signing messages after adding subject line
prefixes, and after adding body footers. It's the list's signature, and
the list's reputation that need to be assessed by the recipient. There
are many other modifications that a list might make (like stripping
attachments, body prefixes, and so on) that would make l= useless.

I think the MLM document makes all of this stuff pretty clear already.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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