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Re: Question about fenton-identified-mail-01

2004-10-25 10:49:57

On Oct 22, 2004, at 12:46 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:

And DNS caches can be set to have zero entries as well, I'm
sure. The point is that there is performance incentive for
the receiver to behave correctly which will guide deployment
far more than any cache police.

I think this is different because the TTL is set by the publisher in the case of DNS. And while tuning the cache is a tweakable thing in many implementations of DNS, I doubt many people do it.

However, there is an argument to be made for using the caching service of another protocol. On the MARID list, Eric Hall did an analysis of the increase of DNS cache sizes due to MARID proposals. The point was that if the DNS caches start taking a hit, it affects much more than email.


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