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Internet architecture, roles and responsibilities

2004-12-09 12:27:52


Internet mail has suffered a few decades of imprecise references.  We've 
labored with an architecture that was too coarse and terminology that was too 
vague.  We are now reaping the benefits of our sloth.

Some months ago, I endeavored to help remedy that with a draft that documents 
modern Internet mail architecture, roles and responsibilities.  It's gotten 
reasonable review and revision, from the Internet mail technical community, and 
is close to being ready for submission as a BCP (or whatever.)

From what I can tell, not a whole lot of anti-spam participants have read the 
document, and certainly not a whole lot of us are using it.  This leads to an 
impressive amount of unproductive debate thrashing.

The document is a regular Internet draft, but a pretty web version is at:


Before folks asks questions or assert facts about Internet mail architecture, 
roles or responsibilities, it would help greatly to do this in the context of 
that document.  

If the document is in error, then that needs to be pointed out so it can be 
fixed.  More often, what seems to be happening is spontaneous invention or 
blank-sheet questioning.  Whether the historical reference to that phenomenon 
is Tower of Babble or Through the Looking Glass is a matter for a bar bof.  
Either way, it defeats group progress.

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
dcrocker  a t ...

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