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RE: Web pages for MASS effort

2005-01-09 22:17:35

On Sun, 9 Jan 2005, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

If you really think this is necessary then the reasonable way to go about
deployment is to propose an approriate SPF context flag. 

I did several times and SPF community is stuck on that because some
are already doing it this way (not that many really), they should
force every SPF record to apply to both MAIL-FROM and EHLO. I'm sure
we'll see more problems about not providing clear separation of intended 
use of SPF record (i.e. no scoping) especially as latest SPF draft also 
calls for every SPF record to apply to all subdomains (because of 
fallback to zonecut spf record). That means that for every 
domain if we have " IN SPF ..." same record will also apply 
for and and used for SPF HELO tests
and I'm certain many admins will not realize it and may not have wanted 
that in the first place.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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