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RE: Web pages for MASS effort

2005-01-10 04:42:00

On Sun, 2005-01-09 at 19:29 -0800, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:
SPF has generated a very significant degree of open source and industry
support. If after rejecting that proposal the IETF endorses a rival proposal
that has no support from any quarter the reaction would be savage.

I don't think this is really the right forum in which to be discussing
SPF. SPF has insurmountable technical flaws which render it unsuitable
for IETF endorsement; we are supposed to be exploring the more viable

The feedback I got from the FTC workshop was that a lot of people were
very annoyed that the technical side had not got its act together
behind one proposal. The lack of apparent concern about email security
has a lot of people very disappointed.

I wouldn't characterise the massive resistance to SPF as 'lack of
concern'. Rather, I see it as a perfectly sane resistance to prematurely
jumping on the bandwagon and implementing a fundamentally broken
'solution' to a problem which can be addressed in other ways.


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