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2005-04-06 16:52:55

Is there a mailing list discussing this draft?

The null mx record structured in this manner: 
        *               IN      MX      0       .

may inundate root servers with lookups for addresses to ".".  This was
the reason the dot target was avoided in the CSV-CSA draft.  This has
been a problem, even where code, specifically written to handle SRV
records, should recognize a "." target as invalid.  The nullmx draft
uses this name to accept bounces and invalid domains for boat-loads of
email, where code may not provide special handling for this "." target

To avoid a concentration of address lookups to ".", perhaps:
        *               IN      MX      0       accepts-no-mail
        accepts-no-mail IN      AAAA            0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
        accepts-no-mail IN      A     

A client, that does not understand this syntax, may attempt a session
with an invalid destination address. See RFC1700, RFC3513.  Such packets
should be refused at the routers.  Either the target name or address
could be given special significance.



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