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DKIM: t=SecondsSince1970

2005-07-14 23:23:03

--- Earl Hood <earl(_at_)earlhood(_dot_)com> wrote:

(Thank you for you many good observations, Earl. I've taken the liberty of
slicing out individual points in the hope that it makes discussion easier).

  - For the "t=" tag, why not use ISO date/time format.  For example:


A reference to RFC 3339 would seem to be in order here.

The RFC definitely gives weight to use the format.

Note, Meta-Signatures has adopted a slight variant where the "T"
is dropped.  Apparently, there is a desire to have the date to
be only an integer, but I am not clear on the full reasons for this.

As far as I can tell, the main rationale is that data arithmetic/comparisons on
SecondsSince1970 is trivial, whereas doing so on 20050714T045532 is quite a


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