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Re: The cost of choices

2005-07-29 13:50:39

Earl Hood wrote:

On July 28, 2005 at 16:57, Jim Fenton wrote:

And to extend it further, the SSP should provide the ability to
list which domains are allowed to do third-party signing.  Otherwise,
if it is boolean switch, turning on the switch open you up to
spoofing attacks.

If someone outside the domain is an authorized sender, how about delegating a key (selector) to them so that they can apply a first-party signature? This can either be done on an individual-selector basis, or it's even possible to delegate a selector hierarchy (* to them.

I'm not seeing how this prevents a malicious domain from spoofing
the OP identity if the OP has third-party signatures enabled?

If you can provide a more detailed example, I would appreciate it.
Note that this mainly a question of what the receiver does once it's validated a signature (eg, the RSA check succeeds). At that point, the receiver can try to see if the signature binds to an outside address -- like say the From address. If there isn't a intact signature bound to the From: address, the receiver MUST check the signing policy of the From: domain. If it is o=!, then it should consider
the other potentially valid signatures as if they didn't exist.


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