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Re: Inline comments?

1999-10-22 10:04:13
   > To simplify the lexer's problem a bit, only a # comment is allowed
   > after "text:".  I really don't want a /**/ comment there, but I'd be
   > happy to change it to disallow ALL comments.

   I started out to say that /**/ comments should be allowed there, but the
   more I thought about it, the more problems I saw. (E.g., what happens if
   a /**/ comment wants to span lines after the "text:", how about only
   allowing single-line /**/ comments there, ugh, double-ugh, etc. :-) ) At
   the same time, I think that allowing one type of comment there but not
   the other is a mistake. So I'm agreeing with you that it would be better
   to disallow all types of comments after "text:" up to the CRLF.

The problem with the "text:" construct is that it differentiates one
sort of whitespace (SPC) from another (CRLF).  Since we already do
that, I don't really have a problem with comments there.  Comments
should be equivalent to whitespace.

If I can remove a /* */ and insert a SPC and have a legal program,
then the comment should be legal.

If I can remove a #... and insert a CRLF and have a legal program,
then the comment should be legal.


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