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Re: Are option extensions exclusive?

2004-08-12 07:29:46

Extensions can be mutually exclusive, but normally won't be.

I was talking specifically about options.  Say extension "a" adds
":a" for a command and extension "b" adds ":b" for the same command.

Obviously, the script can use both

  command ":a"


  command ":b"

But can I use

  command ":a" ":b"


Each extension defines how the option modifies the semantics of
and only the /base/ command and its /base/ options.  In case the
extension options interact semantically, there is a problem.

o  Option extensions can be used together.  Extensions are supposed
   to address completely different issues, thus not interacting
   badly.  I could imagine that existing implementations work that way
   and I prefer it.

This is the normal case.

Well, then it should be specified when this applies and when it doesn't.


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