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Re: Generalizing subaddress

2006-03-24 08:02:46

I was tasked at Tuesday's Sieve WG meeting with trying to make the 
language in the subaddress draft even more general than it 
currently is, but as Philip noted in another thread, doing so makes 
it very difficult to describe when :detail is present/empty/not 
present.  I have not found a way to describe these states without 
relying on some type of 'delimiter' or 'separator'.

If the encoding of a detail depends on the target address, determining
if it contains no, an empty or a non-empty detail part depends on the
target address, too.  It can not be described in the subaddress extension.

I suggest:

   The ":detail" argument specifies the detail sub-part of the local-part
   of an address.  The encoding of the detail sub-part is dependent on
   the encompassing mail system and recipient address.  If the recipient
   address is not encoded to contain a detail part, the test evaluates
   to false.  An encoded empty detail information causes an empty key

Something sounds wrong there, but a native speaker can certainly fix it.

I think much of Ken's problem here is that he's trying to build a 
standard method for doing something with unstandardized local part 


Perhaps what's actually needed is some kind of informational document 
describing various mechanisms that exist for subaddressing and 
similar local-part "encodings", and then using the subaddress Sieve 
extension to access those encodings.

I agree, although I would like to keep that purely informational and allow
the extension to make use of methods not described in such a document.
Yet it may reduce the amount of new encoding schemes arising just because
people never saw existing approaches to the problem.


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