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Re: subject: and method: / Re: Working Group Last Call on draft-ietf-sieve-notify-05.txt

2007-01-03 11:05:34

What is the utility of using notify with email?  Why not just use redirect

In many cases, the email and the email store will be secure, but the
notification mechanism will not.

The use case I've thought of is a doctor's email, which will be be secured
and is restricted by patient privacy laws, but the doctor's pager is an
open broadcast. The notification to "Read your hospital email now!"
contains no private information. A copy of the original message (or even
its Received headers, hence the thorny issues with catching message loops)
is private.

Thanks for that, it's helpful to think about :o)

Incidentally, "Read your hospital email now!" strikes me as the _subject_.
The message might be blank on a pager, or it might include some details if
it were an email. In a non-privacy-centric situation, perhaps a lot of

I think we run the risk of straying into message summaries that Ned warned 
about previously.  So why can't the notification be just "Read your hospital 
email now!" and have no two part subject/body, or in a non-privacy-centric 
situation use redirect(+keep?).
