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Interaction between "editheader" and "redirect"

2007-03-07 08:55:42

Philip recently posted draft-ietf-sieve-editheader-08.txt. Below is the summary of changes done to address interaction between "editheader" and "redirect". I would like to quickly confirm that the changes are fine with everyone.

Additional text in section 4 (Action deleteheader):

  If an script uses the deleteheader action to remove "Received"
  header fields and then performs a "redirect" action, the
  implementation SHOULD NOT send the outgoing message with fewer
  Received header fields than the original message.  If the
  implementation does not permit that for the involved script, it
  is implementation defined what Received header fields are present
  in such an outgoing message.  The above overrides the requirement
  on Received header fields in RFC-ietf-sieve-3028bis-12 section

The following paragraph in section 5 (Interaction with Other Sieve Extensions):

  All other actions that store or send the message MUST do so with
  the current set of header fields.

was replaced with:

  With the exception of the special handling of "redirect" and
  "Received" header fields described above, all other actions that
  store or send the message MUST do so with the current set of
  header fields.

Additional paragraph in section 7 (Security Considerations):

  While this specification overrides the requirement that redirected
  messages have more Received header fields than the message as
  received, doing so removes an important mechanisms for detecting
  loops and therefore should not be permitted by implementations
  without due consideration, such as requiring administrative
  action to enable it.