Arnt Gulbrandsen wrote:
This sort of concerns vacation, but it's a little more general really.
I'm trying to suppress duplicate autoresponses and have a problem with
case sensitivity in localparts. Most locaparts are case insensitive, as
far as I can tell. Mine certainly are. So I have three possibilies:
1. Case-fold both localparts before storing the
(sender,handle,recipient,expiry) tuple.
2. Case-fold only the sender's localpart.
3. Case-fold neither (just in case :from refers to a non-local
case-sensitive localpart).
This isn't a big issue. I've seen both Ned(_dot_)Freed(_at_)(_dot_)(_dot_)(_dot_) and ned(_dot_)freed(_at_)(_dot_)(_dot_)(_dot_),
so if I don't case-fold, Ned might get two autoresponses. If I
inappropriately case-fold, a very very few messages might be suppressed.
But I have to decide before I write the unit test, and I'm feeling
So: What do other implementations do?
IIRC, Cyrus doesn't case-fold either localpart.
Kenneth Murchison
Systems Programmer
Project Cyrus Developer/Maintainer
Carnegie Mellon University