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Re: Proposed charter change

2008-03-13 11:31:42

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 11:00:30AM -0400, Cyrus Daboo wrote:

We would like to see a "show of hands" from implementers on each of the new 
extensions being proposed so that we can judge the interest in each.

      (a) Body (draft-ietf-sieve-body-07.txt)
not yet, might implement some of it.  But enough of it doesn't match my
worldview (or perhaps my code's worldview) that implementing all of it
will be problematic.

      (b) Notify mailto (draft-ietf-sieve-notify-mailto.txt)
not yet, probably will

      (c) Edit header (draft-ietf-sieve-editheader-10.txt)
have implemented an older draft, need to validate against this one.
Also still have "replaceheader" and probably won't remove it.

      (d) Mime loops (draft-ietf-sieve-mime-loop-04.txt)
possibly, but again with the worldview issues (as noted on-list in past)

      (e) Refuse/reject (draft-ietf-sieve-refuse-reject-06.txt)
intend to, at which point I'll find out about any problems I guess.

      (a) Date/Index (draft-freed-sieve-date-index-08.txt)
intend to.

      (b) iHave (draft-freed-sieve-ihave-01.txt)
will implement, looks very nice.

      (c) Environment (draft-freed-sieve-environment-03.txt)
will implement.

      (d) Notary (draft-freed-sieve-notary-01.txt)
      (e) SIEVE in XML (draft-freed-sieve-in-xml-01.txt)
      (f) Notify-sip (draft-melnikov-sieve-notify-sip-message-01.txt)
I confess that I haven't looked at these close enough.

      (g) ManageSIEVE (draft-martin-managesieve-08.txt)
is in the queue, but low priority.

      (h) RegEx (draft-ietf-sieve-regex-00.txt)
had not seen this one, but have implemented against
draft-murchison-sieve-regex-08.txt .  (I have also implemented the
quoteregex function, but in a different way; I'll probably add this
style as well.)  I think regex draft could benefit with some
enhancements (such as alternate regex expression methods).

hmm, no (i) ?

      (j) Meta-data (draft-melnikov-sieve-imapext-metadata-03.txt)
am unaware of this

      (k) Include/multi-script (draft-daboo-sieve-include-05.txt)
I'm not happy with the kind of include this specifies, so probably won't
implement it (and already have other include mechanism).

      (k) Address data (draft-melnikov-sieve-external-lists-01)
[oh, that's what happened to (i) :) ]

Will probably implement at least a subset of this - probably limited to
the opaque identifier form, as I'm not too keen on implementing
URL-following.  Unless I'm misreading the intent of that.


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