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Re: Proposed charter change

2008-03-25 11:50:03

Please review this and comment.

I think the proposed recharter is fine.

We would like to see a "show of hands" from implementers on each of the new extensions being proposed so that we can judge the interest in each.

I'm currently out of the loop of implementing. While I'd like to change that, it's not likely with my current set of projects. I don't know what plans, if any, the product divisions here have for Sieve.

(3) Work on a "Benefits of SIEVE" guide for client and server vendors that:
    (a) Describes the SIEVE protocol and its suite of extensions.
    (b) Explains the benefits of server-side filtering in practical terms.
    (c) Shows how client-side filtering can be migrated to SIEVE.

I'll happily co-author this, and perhaps take a stab at a first draft. One or two co-authors would be nice.


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