Title : Sieve Extension: Externally Stored Lists
Author(s) : A. Melnikov, B. Leiba
Filename : draft-ietf-sieve-external-lists-08.txt
Pages : 18
Date : 2011-05-09
A URL for this Internet-Draft is:
This is the update that implements the changes discussed in this thread:
Please review it carefully, because I had to split what had formerly
been the URI scheme registration into four parts:
1. Section 4.5, which registers the "sieve" IETF URN sub-namespace
(defines "urn:ietf:params:sieve").
2. Section 4.3, which creates a Sieve URN parameter registry.
3. Section 4.4, which registers "addrbook" as the first Sieve URN parameter.
4. Section 2.6, which specifies the details for the "addrbook" URN parameter.
There are also significant changes in section 2.5 (Syntax of an
Externally Stored List Name). And everywhere else that "addrbook:"
was used I replaced it with ":addrbook:" (mostly, that's the examples
and the Security Considerations).
So let's make sure I got it all right, OK? Thanks.
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