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Re: Principles of Spam Abatement

2004-03-03 04:02:57

Hadmut Danisch <hadmut(_at_)danisch(_dot_)de> wrote:

On the <ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org> mailing list there has been discussion of
Principles of Spam Abatement. This is a brief summary of principles
which _may_ have consensus of that list. I accept full responsibility
for editing errors and misunderstandings.

I highly agree with this list, and like to see it on the charta
of the upcoming working group, except for one thing:

- If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less, tax it.

Sorry, that's too american and doesn't work on an international base.
An american spammer can easily afford billions of mail, while citizen
of poor countries can't afford their normal mail if we do something like
this. Economy isn't the magic bullet to solve all problems.

   Let's just scrap that one -- I don't think anyone will object.

   I think there is a point to be made that currently we _are_
subsidizing spam; but I'm not aware of any proposal to "tax" it
that doesn't endager the free flow of ideas.

John Leslie <john(_at_)jlc(_dot_)net>

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