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RE: Proof of Consent NON-Proposal

2004-03-17 21:09:58

My nearly
computer illiterate girlfriend has no problems with the fact my mail
servers use SRS as it's almost completly invisible to her.

This was something I began to speak about before censoring myself on product
names.  End users know where the "send" button is.  They don't care what
happens to the mail while in transit as long as it reaches the intended
recipient, or is notified if it doesn't.[1]

Letting me veer off topic just for a moment... we could replace SMTP with a
completely new transport that supported RFC 822/2822 style messages and I
doubt end users would notice.  I hope that happens one day, but I digress.

In the meantime I don't believe anything we do here will affect end users
until they start asking about the bounces.  And then I believe it will be a
matter of the mail provider (re-)explaining their terms of use to the
clueless user.

[1] The details of what to bounce on and how to express that, I believe, is
also part of why we're here.

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