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RE: implementation compliance [RE: Reuse of TXT]

2004-05-18 11:45:29

I've tested compliance with unknown types in known class. I tested for
both serving and resolving capabilities.

What I did do:

   I considered implementations that return an existing 'unknown' TYPE
when queried with the same 'unknown' QTYPE compliant. To avoid false
negatives I've queried every instance for a known type as well.  In
effect, this test was specifically for RFC 3597 sec 3 'Transparency'.

The bulk of popular (**) implementations are compliant:

Could we combine this with a use survey to see what the coverage is?

How much deployment of compliant servers is sufficient? I would
hazzard that 50% is way too low to be acceptable, 95% and it is a 
non issue - the remaining servers are run by folk who would never
do Marid either. 

I'd like to know where we are to +/- 10% at am 85% confidence level.

On the wildcards issue. We are only talking about restrictions on 
cachable wildcards. Synthetic wildcards will still be possible.
