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Re: Wild card MXes

2004-05-25 06:57:15

On May 24, 2004, at 11:36 PM, John Levine wrote:
A third category is organizations with multiple divisions or locations
that use a single mail gateway.  For example, the Oklahoma DOT has a
MX for * (along with some CNAMEs for shorter
addresses) that lets them filter all the mail in one place and then
use internal rules to route the mail to the various departments.

Some large ISPs break up their DNS zone administration in similar fashion to their network boundaries, where their networks are located in multiple states. The number one source of spam for me comes from one such ISP, and some of their zones have SPF records and some do not. For instance, they are (this is the domain used by their retail/residential customers), but I get spam from and where the former is covered by an SPF record and the latter is not. It would seem that a wildcard at * would help them out.


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