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Re: TECH-ERROR: Name of SUBMITTER parameter

2004-09-03 06:38:03

 Roy Badami <roy(_at_)gnomon(_dot_)org(_dot_)uk> writes:

The SUBMITTER parameter was fine as a working name (as was FRED, DAVE,
and all the rest of the names) but now that we're all in agreement
that the name of the identity in question is the PRA, the obvious name
for the parameter to identify the PRA is "PRA".

    MAIL FROM:<foo(_at_)bar> PRA=<baz(_at_)qux>

is far more natural than the SUBMITTER alternative.

I agree with this and made the same suggested during the IETF-60
jabber session.  (See
11:19:05)  Unlike your message to this list, both Meng and Marshall
gave positive feedback.  (I suspect your message was just overlooked
due to the volume of IPR messages.)

So, I think we can count at least four people who would like to see
SUBMITTER= renamed to PRA=.
