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ciphercopia 0.98 - beta release of SSLeay based PGP library

1998-03-18 14:21:44
I fixed some things making it easier to compile on FreeBSD (I use Linux),
and broke out all the routines into individual files archived into
libpgp.a (and .so for linux).  There are also a number of other goodies
including a pgp2 and pgp5 CLI program I use it to test interoperability by
running against the PGP Inc. implementations.  You will need SSLeay and
Eric Young's libcast, 0.82 or better (contact me for a 64bit safe version
for DEC alphas).

It should be on soon.  Contact me if you want it
earler and state your citizenship info and such so it will be ok for me to
export it to you.

--- reply to tzeruch - at - ceddec - dot - com ---

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