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RE: Legal issues in implementing OpenPGP?

1998-05-04 14:50:48
At 08:34 AM 5/4/98 -0400, Flanigan, Bill wrote:
        I am familiar with this message which is, in part, why I asked my
   questions.  "(I)intends" and a seven-month old message just doesn't do it
   for me.
Not to worry -- I got the change control issues sorted out last Friday. 


Jon Callas                                  jon(_at_)pgp(_dot_)com
CTO, Total Network Security                 4200 Bohannon Drive
Network Associates, Inc.                    Menlo Park, CA 94025
(650) 473-2860                              
Fingerprints: D1EC 3C51 FCB1 67F8 4345 4A04 7DF9 C2E6 F129 27A9 (DSS)
              665B 797F 37D1 C240 53AC 6D87 3A60 4628           (RSA)