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Re: rfc2440bis-02 comments

2000-12-17 10:18:15
Unfortunately this particular approach will not solve what I believe
to be the bigger problem: "I reinstalled my machine and lost my secret
key; can you remove it from the keyserver, please?" or "I forgot my
passphrase, can you please delete my key from the keyservers?"  If I
had a dollar for every time I received one of these messages, I'd be a
very rich man right now ;)

The additional packets really don't help much more than being able to
revoke one's key.  If one could 'disable' a key themselves, they could
also revoke that same key.  The problem is that most of the requests
come from people who cannot modify their key (due to circumstances
that may or may not be out of their control).

If we're going to solve the "key disable" problem, we need to do so in
a manner that helps the user who lost their own key.  Otherwise the
solution really doesn't solve the real problems that exist today.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord(_at_)MIT(_dot_)EDU                        PGP key available