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Re: Bug#40394: forwarding an encrypted PGP message is useless

2002-04-10 23:14:44

Am Thursday 11 April 2002 03:34:03 schrieb Keith Moore 
But - for me - replying should only go back to the original sender and
not to someone else.

I don't think you'll find much widespread support for that view.
There are too many real world cases where you want to change the
set of recipients to whom a reply is sent.

Of course not. The point was only that the name of an action describes
a "general" action contract, i.e. in case of the "Reply To" you expect
that you can reply to a message. You would be badly shaken if you 
could only reply to the sender.
The same should be true for forwarding. The general action contract is
to forward something you received to someone else. It should be up to
the person who is forwarding to decide whether to forward the whole
message or only parts of it.

Volker Augustin