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Re: Suggested DER Prefixes

2003-05-21 09:34:18

On 5/21/03 4:11 AM, "Imad R. Faiad" <matic(_at_)cyberia(_dot_)net(_dot_)lb> 

PS Can someone clarify OpenPGP symmetric
algorithm ID: 6 (DES/SK), I mean, what
variant of the DES algorithm are we talking about.

DES/SK is being removed. Don't implemented it.

//Double width SHA (SHA1x) experimental algorithm
//Used In: PGP 5.x
//OpenPGP Hash Algorithm ID: 04
unsigned char const SHA1xDERprefix[] = {
0x30, /* Universal, Constructed, Sequence */
0x35, /* Length 53 (bytes following) */
0x30,  /* Universal, Constructed, Sequence */
0x09,  /* Length 9 bytes*/
0x04, /* Universal, Primitive, Octet string */
0x05, /*Length 5 bytes*/
  0x53, 0x48, 0x41, 0x31, 0x78,  /*SHA1x*/
0x05,  /* Universal, Primitive, NULL */
0x00, /* Length 0 */
0x04, /* Universal, Primitive, Octet string */
0x28 /* Length 40 bytes = 320 bits*/
/* 40 bytes SHA1x digest start here */

Double-width SHA was an experimental thing some people were using for wider
DSA, it was never widely implemented. Don't implement it.

//HAVAL 5 pass, 160 bits (HAVAL-5-160)
//OpenPGP Hash Algorithm ID: 07
//Used in: PGP 2.6.3ia-multi04+
unsigned char const HAVAL-5-160DERprefix[] = {
0x30, /* Universal, Constructed, Sequence */
0x27, /* Length 39 (bytes following) */
0x30,  /* Universal, Constructed, Sequence */
0x0f,  /* Length 15 bytes*/
0x04, /* Universal, Primitive, Octet string */
0x0B, /*Length 11 bytes*/
  0x48, 0x41, 0x56, 0x41, 0x4C, 0x2D,
  0x35, 0x2D, 0x31, 0x36, 0x30, /*HAVAL-5-160*/
0x05,  /* Universal, Primitive, NULL */
0x00, /* Length 0 */
0x04, /* Universal, Primitive, Octet string */
0x14 /* Length 20 bytes = 160 bits*/
/* 20 bytes HAVAL-5-160 digest start here */

//HAVAL 5 pass, 256 bits (HAVAL-5-256)
//OpenPGP Hash Algorithm ID: None
//Used in: PGP 2.6.3ia-multi04+
//Hash Algorithm ID used: 11
unsigned char const HAVAL-5-256DERprefix[] = {
0x30, /* Universal, Constructed, Sequence */
0x33, /* Length 51 (bytes following) */
0x30,  /* Universal, Constructed, Sequence */
0x0f,  /* Length 15 bytes*/
0x04, /* Universal, Primitive, Octet string */
0x0B, /*Length 11 bytes*/
  0x48, 0x41, 0x56, 0x41, 0x4C, 0x2D,
  0x35, 0x2D, 0x32, 0x35, 0x36, /*HAVAL-5-256*/
0x05,  /* Universal, Primitive, NULL */
0x00, /* Length 0 */
0x04, /* Universal, Primitive, Octet string */
0x20 /* Length 32 bytes = 256 bits*/
/* 32 bytes HAVAL-5-256 digest start here */

Haval is being removed. Don't bother.

Now that there are the wide SHAs, they are what you should be implementing.
