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Re: [openpgp] Fingerprint, Base32 or Base32C?

2015-04-29 09:27:38
On Wed, 2015-04-29 at 10:19 -0400, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote: 
I think you'll get more than 16 hours to study things here.  So let's
not be more melodramatic than usual, please.
My point was, I don't want to be the next nincompoop.
Then the best thing is probably to wait a bit and not start implementing
(and "selling") things before the real discussions have even started.

Actually, I think that (often quite stupid) "activism" than can be seen
in many areas of crypto recently (e.g. "web based E2E crypto"  which
some groups/companies try to sell .... I mean WTF!??!)... are quite
If I'd be the NSA and would want to sustainably weaken crypt... that's
just how I'd do it. 


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