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Re: [openpgp] Fingerprints

2015-05-05 16:43:24

On 20 Apr 2015, Derek Atkins wrote:
Short fingerprints are important; if they are getting too long
they won't serve a purpose because the public key could be used

If we use a 256-bit fingerprint for a 255-bit curve25519 key,
what's the point?

* digest algorithm; we need preimage resistance; we do not need
collision resistance.

So you're saying we can stick with SHA1?  ;)

I would like to pick up on this point again: What's wrong with 160 bit
fingerprints?  The bit length seems more than sufficient to cover any
Mooreian doubts, a more relevant issue would be weaknesses in the
hashing algorithm itself, where the status is that in its 20 years not
even a collision has been found for SHA-1.

Seeing talk about fingerprints which "still fit into one line" and
"maybe moving to SHA3-512" while at the same time asserting that manual
verification of fingerprints should still be a thing, I'm a little
concerned about the direction this is going...

 - V

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